Snap weddings


• • est. 2005 • •

hooray you're in!

By Mariah Ashley Kate and Byron’s Newport spring wedding officially kicks off our spring season here at Snap, and it couldn’t have been a prettier or a springier day. With temps in the 70’s, warm sunshine, flowers bursting with color, and a beautiful fresh face like Kate’s to photograph,  we happily said goodbye to the […]

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By Mariah Ashley Being wedding photographers in RI affords us certain perks including the opportunity to photograph the beautiful styled shoot for Bliss Celebrations 2014 issue. Bliss is the guide for planning fresh, modern and spectacular events! According to Bliss, the inspiration behind this shoot at Hotel Providence’s park-like courtyard was a family reunion gathering […]

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SNAP! The Presses

I just read a great article on Wedding Wire about the trends we’ll  be seeing while out snapping our fabulous 2014 weddings. Below I’ve listed the predictions made by Wedding Wire editor Kim Forrest. Interestingly it seems that the  Snap couples are trendsetters! I went back into the archives and found some examples of  these […]

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SNAP! Tips, Wedding

Courtney and Stuart got the day that everyone dreams of when they plan a summer wedding in Newport. After I chose the photos for the blog and “jazzed” them {that’s a technical photography term} I realized I hadn’t made any of the photos black and white. I just couldn’t bring myself to strip any of the photos […]

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“It’s the little things that matter, that add up in the end, with the priceless thrilling magic found only in a friend.” ~ Elizabeth Dunphy People give a lot of advice on how to create a successful marriage. I’d say the three most popular are: Be friends first, Laugh a lot, and Appreciate the little […]

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snap weddings


• • est. 2005 • • 

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