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Brittany and Dan’s Belle Mer Wedding

November 10, 2015

By Mariah Ashley

Brittany and Dan planned a beautiful Belle Mer wedding, and {bonus!} they got one of the most perfect summer days of the season, the last Sunday of August. This day was a succession of laughs, sweet moments, swirly dress scenarios, and sparkles. We loved spending the day with the effervescent Brittany, she’s always chattering and smiling, her energy is infectious! And {bonus!} we enjoyed Dan just as much, he’s humble, funny {he can take a joke at his expense with the best of them!}, easy going and the best audience Brittany could ever ask for. There’s no request Dan doesn’t grant Brittany, and that’s a good thing because it’s the lifestyle she’s become accustomed too! She’s adored by her family and friends and now by her husband as well. Which is after all, as it should be.


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Brittany is a total fashionista, she’s in the business, so naturally her dress and shoes needed to be fabulous. Check and check.

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Dan is not a fashionista, but he does look pretty dashing in his tux.

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Brittany is just a little bit loved by her parents. This might be the best father first look ever- so sweet! Brittany’s mom could not stop crying, she loves her daughter so much. It really struck me how sweet it was of her to say, “I’m just so proud of you. You are so beautiful and I love you so much.” What an awesome mom!

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Men, men, men, men.

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Dad Cam.

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Brittany waits outside the church for her cue to come in.

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How very stunningly bridal is Brittany?

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Dan agrees for sure.

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Fashionista fun with veils…

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Dan is soft spoken, preferring to let Brittany take center stage. I’m guessing the photo part of the day was probably not what he was looking forward to most about the wedding. He was an awesome sport though, fulfilling our every request without so much as a grumble. I completely agree with the sentiment of this picture… Dan is adorable.

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This beautiful spot for family formals was on Bellevue Avenue, literally on the sidewalk. Lovely! Brittany’s family…

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Dan’s family… Brittany calls Dan’s dad pumpkin. Only she could get away with that!

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When in Newport… be stunning in front of ornate gates.

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I love this beautiful side street, the light was so insane, we couldn’t stop snapping and Dan and Brittany couldn’t stop canoodling, works for us!

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Green Lion created this amazing orchid sparkle fest! Got to love a Belle Mer wedding.

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Brittany and Dan took a little spin on the dance floor during the cocktail hour before the guests were invited in.

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When the sunset is good at Belle Mer, it’s very very good.

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Bridal party hi-jinks.

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Brittany is up for any adventure. Sit in the grass in your Vera Wang gown? Sure why not?!

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Love myself some late afternoon cocktail hour light.

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Brittany’s dress is very swishy!

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Mid first dance, Brittany broke into a surprise dance with her other partner in crime, the best man.

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Hugging it out- so cute.

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Brittany and Dan step outside for a little fresh evening air and Newport bridge romance.

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They don’t call it a sweetheart table for nothing!

Belle Mer Weddings0027Congratulations to these two sweethearts, we’re so happy you’ve found each other! XO Mariah and Trish

  1. Brittany says:

    This entire blog post and photos are just amazing! It literally brings tears of happiness because I get to relive the most amazing day of my life. Mariah and Trish I cannot thank you enough for your kind words and for capturing these amazing moments. You are such amazing women and I cannot wait to see the rest of the photos!! Xoxo

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