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The Best of Newport Wedding Venues, Belle Mer: A Retrospective

March 4, 2016



Welcome to Belle Mer!

Belle Mer, there’s no other place like it in Newport. No matter the season, no matter the weather it sparkles. It’s cozy and intimate with its pretty fireplaces and candle lit mantles in winter and airy and breezy with open doors and fluttering sheer drapes in summer.

We’ve spent many a summer evening enjoying the view and the salt air and feel so lucky each time we visit. We put together this collection of Belle Mer Wedding photos we’ve taken over the years in hopes it will inspire anyone visiting in the dull dreary winter months. Enjoy!


Getting Ready at the Island House

The bridal suite above the Island House is an amazing space. It has plenty of room and is an excellent place to have your makeup done thanks to the beautiful natural light pouring in the windows on all four sides.


Getting Ready at the Water Salon

We love the pretty floor outside the Bridal Chamber in the Water Salon and the light from the window in the hallway is perfect for a bridal portrait.

The other thing we love about the Bridal Chamber, and you will too… is the secret sneaky view of the ceremony site.


Ceremony at the Water Salon

This is the very reason the property is called Belle Mer, beautiful sea. What lovelier setting is there for a wedding ceremony?


Ceremony Inside the Water Salon

I know, I know… you don’t want to hear about rain and wind on your wedding day, but occasionally it does happen. It’s maybe not what you had in mind but it’s still beautiful! Belle Mer has a great rain plan.


Ceremony at the Island House

Sunset ceremony? Yes please. The view at the Island House never disappoints.


Portraits Indoors

When rain or wind prevents us from taking the formal portraits outdoors, the inside of Belle Mer is a beautiful neutral alternative and you couldn’t ask for better light.


Goat Island

Right across from Belle Mer is a spot that is quintessential Newport. Can you guess why? Boats, Boats, Boats and Yachts.


The Fascade

Everyone loves a water view, but spin around in the other direction and the face of Belle Mer makes a pretty backdrop too.


The Ivy Wall

We love this little patch of dark green. The ivy covered wall at Belle Mer is a great contrast to the all white building and just the right spot to make the portraits pop.


The Lawn

The lawn is green and complete with flowing beach grasses and even a fountain. It’s so relaxing to take a snap and stroll!


The Sea Wall

Pose by it, stand on it, sit on it and snuggle up with your sweetheart. I’m sure this is what you’re picturing in your mind when you first tour the property. It’s the classic Belle Mer backdrop!


The Ballroom{s}

We’ll sneak in before your guests do and make sure to get a photo of your reception perfection before the handbags and shawls clutter the view. I highly recommend you sneak in for a peek too!



The sun sets right over the water outside Belle Mer and when the sun is going down and the lights on the bridge are coming up, it’s pretty magical.


A Party in the Water Salon

The beautiful shiny floor, the twinkling chandeliers and the candlelight make this an incredible room for a party and we’ve seen some pretty incredible parties her over the years!


A Party at the Island House

Or is it an Island at the Party House? I don’t know whether it’s the cozy room or the great view, but whatever it is it couldn’t be more festive!



Just a few more snaps as we leave the reception, we can’t resist. Belle Mer is as pretty in the evening as it is in the summer.



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