Call me naive, but I had no idea that people viewed vegans as alien beings. I mean, I just didn’t know that this perception existed. I’m shocked! Apparently, people find vegans to be untrustworthy, brittle-boned, hippie freaks. Who knew? I was watching a documentary recently where the “Average Joe” on the street described vegans in these very terms. Funny! Last I checked I wasn’t an alien, and truth be told I tend to be more on the big boned side than the brittle boned side. My daughter Vianne and I write a food blog about our vegan-adventures. We’ve been doing it for a while now, she’s a great writer and we both love to cook so it gives us an outlet to do both. We decided she should interview me for this week’s “A Moment with Mariah” about my alien lifestyle.
No seriously, head over to our blog and read it. Like our facebook page while you’re at it or we’ll kick the cauliflower out of you.