By Mariah Ashley
We’re diligently working on a full blog post of Britt and Carl’s beautiful Castle Hill soiree but we couldn’t resist posting some ultra romantic wedding photography from their first dance. Britt is all sparkle and girly glamor and Carl is the epitome of a distinguished gentleman (oh and bonus… he’s super manly too), how could romance not ensue? Stay tuned for a major love fest coming your way soon. It’s like dessert before dinner!
“And they danced hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, they danced by the edge of the moon.”
~Edward Lear, The Owl and the Pussycat
Britt and Carl have set the bar pretty high, might be time to dust off those shoes and get yourself to a ballroom dancing lesson!
P.S. Luke Renchan provided the musical entertainment if you are looking for a great DJ!
Such a sweet, kind and adorable couple! I can’t wait to see more!